An innovation strategy for small and medium changes to the website (and ominichannel strategy) of prenatal and some XL ideas for new service concepts in the future.

The research
“These are some very nice ideas and I love how we can start experimenting on a small scale” – Workshop participant
Prenatal was looking for some fresh perspective on ‘what to do next’. In spite of the many ideas they developed in house, they asked my team for an ‘outside in’ perspective on what can be considered. I combined 3 sources to start a ’10 types of innovation’ workshop.
- Customer journey mapping – based on interviews (n=15)
- Market research on trends and possibilities (focus on possibilities with the SalesForce platform)
- Trend report on the top 6 mega-trends to take into account to be futureproof

The workshop resulted in a backlog with some vary practical and tangible results ready for implementation. Amongst those a smart segmentation based on the previous items one has bought. Similar to what Albert Heijn does with personalized bonus, we generate ’trigger’ profiles. It this person triggered by brand, style, price, sales, reviews etc.

Other ideas I am not allowed to share online at the moment, including a very spectacular – delivery box – concept that is on the backlog for experimentation.